What started on a workbench in 1984 has grown into a workshop where professionals strive for perfection in order to build the best possible espresso machine.
EMBEZZLER — 1984 —
The very first machine created by Kees, part of the project to finish his Industrial Design study. As it suffered several explosions during construction, it finally was finished as a dummy, hence the name.
Filling the gap between Mirage and Spirit, the Slim Jim offers a fitting combination of looks, technical set-up and thus price, of the two. An added point of attraction is the wealth of available options.
The Mirage is designed as an update of the "E61" type thermosiphon system with meticulous temperature stability and beautiful pre-infusion.
This machine combines features from our classic Mirage and high-end Spirit. The slim jim continues our tradition of performance
The speedster is the ultimate 1-group espresso machine. The speedster offers extreme precision & maximum control in a fast package.
The spirit is a state of the art multiple espresso boiler machine. Designed with the needs of very high output espresso bars.