

a rich and balanced collection of loose tea

Tea Tales by Kawacom is a rich and balanced collection of loose tea- 29 distinct flavors of green, organic, white, red, Oolong & black tea. They are available in 100gr Kraft packs. along with the dosage.

Also known as “Teion”, tea is considered one of the most consumed beverages in the world, being the most popular after water and coffee. Both the name and the origin are Chinese and come from the Camellia Sinensis plant.

It was discovered in 2737 BC. by Emperor Shen Nung. Legend has it that some tea leaves were poured into a cup which contained boiled water, enchanting the emperor with their sweet fragrance. He was the first one to discover the beneficial properties for our body.

The main types of tea are black, green, white and oolong. Depending on the treatment that the fresh leaves are going through, the tea is categorized accordingly. Τea plants need a specific climate to grow properly. They thrive mainly in China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. Tea is also produced in Africa, Turkey, Russia, and so on.

Tea Tales

Rose petals


Red Garden

White flower

Sunset in Santorini

Garden of Eden

Orange - Chili


Chocolate - caramel

fruits of the forest